Sunday, May 10, 2009

do-it-yourself after-school enrichment program

though i'm not actually a mother yet, chris got me this hilarious parenting book for mother's day. it's called the three martini playdate. it's this woman's perspective on how parenting has gotten out of whack and now there is a whole generation of children who have entitlement issues. in part of the book she talks about parents running their kids all over creation to all these after-school programs. she has her own ideas about what would be good for children to be doing afterschool:

do-it-yourself after-school enrichment program
1. care and cleaning of barware
2. fun foot rubs for mom and dad!
3. finding neat hiding places to build forts and hide from parents for hours on end
4. skeddadling for beginners
5. emptying the dishwasher
6. the meditative qualities of furniture polishing
7. hospital corners and the well-made bed
8. make yourself scarce!
9. weeding for fun
10. deilicious snacks for mom and dad
11. the magic of sock sorting and clothes folding
12. the art of walking on tiptoes
13. chemistry in action! the gin fizz
14. letting mommy nap 101

somehow, all of these sound a lot more inviting than marathon-soccer saturdays. a few of them even sound similar to my own childhood afterschool activities....

1 comment:

Chris said...

i like number 13....