Monday, December 28, 2009

sweater overalls

just a quick pic of some sweater overalls i made for the little man. super easy and fun. just cut off the sleeves of an old sweater for the legs, sew a band around the top and make a couple of straps to keep them up. anybody up for a weekend at a swiss chalet?

Sunday, December 20, 2009

warning: graphic

if you want to be whit's friend these days, you're going to have to put up with some uncomfortable moments. it starts off all sweetness and smiles, but things quickly go down a sloppy wet hill. just take a look at what i caught him doing to his penguin friend.

"a playdate with the penguin! won't this be fun? "

"yes!! lot's of fun! i wonder what we'll do?"
"hmm. this isn't going as well as i thought it would. maybe it would help if i got the penguin closer to my face."

"that's better, but something is still missing. maybe i'll try...."

"a penguin kiss."
"this seems to be going well."

"is it wrong to love a penguin so much?"

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

snuggly penguins

just another outfit i made for yet another person i know that's having a baby. a boy this time.

Friday, December 4, 2009

craft happenings

soft block for those budding teeth. lately i've been getting my face gnawed on whenever i get the little guy close enough to my cheek. i figure a nice soft toy would be nicer to chew on than me.

onesie remake. under the W is one of the many puppy dog choices offered in baby boys' clothing. i like puppies and all, but there are only so many i want to dress the boy in.

this is my favorite of all. it's a tiny christmas outfit for a new baby girl. aww. would it be wrong to dress whit in girl's clothing? alright... fine. i won't. but don't think it hasn't crossed my mind.