Saturday, March 28, 2009

Holy Moses!

today was a very domestic day filled with baking cookies and sewing. the cookies made for a welcome treat after a long day of using all my brain cells on this project. for those of you who sew, you're welcome to poke fun at me having to strain my brain on such a small endeavor, but i'll bet a few of you can relate to the seizure-inducing process of trying to create your own pattern for some hairbrained idea. this one was especially difficult because i couldn't find any premade patterns to reference, and it included an angling tube with a split in the middle.

i got this sweet little moses basket in the mail from my mom. when it came it looked like this:
it was cute as-is but i wanted to make it a little more personal, so i decided to recover it. the hood on the basket is detachable with velcro and i wanted to make the new cover so that it would hide the velcro part. ideally the cover would have fit over the foot of the basket in one piece, but the buttons work fine. i have to say that overall i am super pleased with the way it turned out.

i've also been busy sewing curtains and a crib bumper, but i'm waiting to post pictures until more of baby partini's room is done. tomorrow i'll start recovering the glider that we bought.

on another note, taking pictures of the moses basket reminded me of the story of moses and the bullrushers. no, it's not a typo. i'm not referring to moses and the bullrushes, i'm talking about moses and the bullrushers from huckleberry finn. if you aren't familiar with the story, here's a little quote from the mischevious adventurer : "After supper she got out her book and learned me about Moses and the Bulrushers and I was in a sweat to find out all about him; but by and by she let it out that Moses had been dead a considerable long time; so then I didn't care no more about him, because I don't take no stock in dead people." oh, huck!


esther (chinny chin chin) said...

dang mandy! that's kind of an engineering feat having designed that cover! it's super super cute:)

Unknown said...

thanks! it was definitely a feat but i was determined to sort it out. in the end i ripped out only one seam, which in itself is a small miracle. :)