Saturday, November 28, 2009


warning: sappy

i have never considered myself an overly sentimental person but lately i'm such a sap. maybe it's all those folgers home-for-the-holidays commercials i've seen recently. maybe it's that i get to spend the holiday season at home this year relaxing and just enjoying my time. whatever the reason, i was so taken by a hallmark christmas commercial that today i bought whit one of their keepsake ornaments. it's so sweet and yes, so sappy.

i know a few girls who have known since they were small that what they really wanted to be in life was a mom. sure, they may have gotten an education and even pursued a career, but deep down they longed to be a mother. they just wanted babies and a life that involved endless wonderings and amazements at all things children related. i was never one of those girls. it's not that i never considered kids, it's just that i was having a lot of fun living a life full of other interests. at least i thought it was full... until this guy came. i never knew that i was missing something 'til now.

Monday, November 16, 2009

tiny tot

thanks to emma kate for letting us know that we're famous. okay, maybe not famous but whitaker and i did end up in a short video clip in our local newspaper. see if you can spot a baby elephant that you know...

Saturday, November 7, 2009

autumn goodness

i've really loved having had time off this fall to enjoy life. autumn always makes me want to snuggle in and slow life down. i think it's the shorter days. time feels so fleeting this time of year especially when it's already dark by the time i get home. i'm feeling very thankful to have some time to enjoy the daylight during what would normally be my work time.

this is our kitchen table right now.

i think i'll go make a pumpkin pie...

growth spurts

i swear some days i look at this kid and he's grown overnight! if you read chris' blog you've seen some comparison pic's already. if not, take a look at what 3 1/2 months can do to a person.

oh, the moses basket... here it is when i first got it and was so excited to make new bedding for it. check out the changing table, too. i had it for a long time as a quilt rack. now it's home to a naked bootie more often than i'd like to think about.

here's the basket again, the first week we brought whitaker home. it's a perfect fit.

and again very recently filling up the whole thing. this week i did a very sad thing. i took the basket out to the garage for storage. whit's been sleeping in his crib for a while now, and as you can see he's too big to comfortably sleep in the basket any more. i hope he slows down a little because all this growing up is going way too fast for me.